Aoife's Week's Round Up!
9th Apr 2019
Each week a child from third and fourth class will share classroom news on our blog. Our first contributer is Aoife from third class.
This week we are learning about the Easter Rising and how we celebrate Easter around the world .
We started a new novel called The Butterfly Lion so far it’s about a boy who ran away from school and met an old lady and she started telling him about Bertie and the white lion. Bertie lived in Africa and was home schooled for a bit but then he had to move to England to go to school . Yesterday we were doing Kahoot . Kahoot is like a quiz on the IPAD you have to press the right answer. It was a quiz on lions .
Kilcoskan National School, Kilcoskan, The Ward Co.Dublin Dublin Phone: 00353 1835 1508